The view from my bedroom window |
We've been very busy this weekend, trying our best to combat cabin fever after our latest big snowstorm. Friday was yet another snow day, no school here...I believe the kids have actually been out of school more than in since January began. We've also had a lot of slush and some rain and sleet, all of which froze solid. Then we got about 3-4inches of pretty white fluffy stuff that covered the treacherous ice. Lovely to shovel until you hit the part that requires a jackhammer...but I digress.
This weekend, our kids have played in the snow, visited and entertained friends, gone sledding, watched movies, played games, gone to the library, and whined about how bored they are. Bored??? Just last night, we picked up Tanya's friend Anna for a sleepover.
Anna and Tanya |
The girls slept in the living room on our sofa bed; they watched movies on our new TV, ate popcorn and ice cream, stayed up late and giggled a lot. This morning, they watched more movies and giggled, ate pancakes and bacon, and listened to music in Tanya's room. They had a blast...but that's yesterday's news now so poor Tanya is bored.
Cara and Kate |
Kate, on the other hand, was bored last night but is in hog heaven tonight; her friend Cara arrived for a sleepover a couple of hours after Anna left. They've already moved into the living room space, chowed down on pizza, and are doing makeovers and watching movies on our new TV. (I wonder if Mom and Dad will ever get a chance to watch the new TV???) Between the girls' sleepovers, Max went sledding and then had his friend Zach over for a visit. He is now campaigning for a sleepover next weekend because, "I never get to have any fun, Mom!!!".
Aniyar and Madiyar begged to be allowed to get a haircut today...now that's boredom...but they both look quite handsome, anyway.
Madiyar and Aniyar |
As I write this, I hear more laughter, both from the boys and the girls. There seems to be a lot of activity in our house again tonight...and boredom never sounded so much like fun.