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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Happy Birthday to me...

In a few hours, I'll be another year older...but will I be wiser than I was today? I don't much love birthdays at this point in my life but wisdom would be useful. I wake up each day hoping for more wisdom...and patience...and a crystal ball to help me negotiate the twists and turns of each day.

This morning, for example, I opened my eyes when my sweet spouse brought me a perfect latte...and the news that our youngest child had been up since 5:30 and was already sulking in his bed after a disagreement with Dad. I groggily checked the clock and determined that we had 30 minutes to set things right before the bus came to transport our boy to school. I stumbled out of bed and found our youngest huddled in his top bunk; he was cross and unrepentant but willing to accept a hug from Mom. He was unable to see how his behavior had been unacceptable...and trust me, it was...but due to a screw up with our mail order pharmacy, we've run out of his most vital medication and the lack of it is beginning to show. Our boy is struggling and the meds are somewhere in the mail...so now we dance, we cajole, we do what we can to keep life on a even keel. We were lucky today...our boy was able to pull himself together and go to school. He also had a good evening and a fun game of pick-up sticks with Mom. He's come so far, my special boy.

A nice birthday present would be the meds we need...but the best present is what I already have...my family, my life, each day's adventure.


Anne Birdsong said...

Happy Birthday Dee!!!!!
Our colt was just born this morning so you share a BD with one of our 4-legged kids.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Dee!!

The Risleys :)