After two months in a pediatric psych unit, Aniyar was released from the hospital yesterday and has spent his first night at home! It was a pleasure to see the smile Aniyar wore most of the afternoon and evening...and to see him interacting so positively with the rest of the family. He was a relaxed and happy kid last night, singing and dancing and being sweet and silly. He was able to accept limits and went to bed without complaint; he also was up and dressed for school this morning with no problems so we're off to a good start. We've missed Aniyar and we're grateful to have this chance to bring him home again...but we'll also be monitoring closely for signs of stress and any indication of the unsafe behaviors that led to Aniyar's hospitalization in the first place.
During Aniyar's visits home on day passes, we have been delighted to see a great improvement in his ability to control his impulsivity and behavior. We are optimistic about his return to family life but we're making sure we all have as much support as possible for Aniyar's special needs and for the safety of the rest of the family. I've spent the past week preparing for Aniyar's release, attending meetings with his case manager and educational team, consulting with his psychologist, finding a psychiatrist who can monitor his meds, and arranging for a therapeutic day camp and an extended year school program to support him during the summer months. The wonderful social workers from Adoption Journeys (a great resource for families dealing with post-adoptive issues like ours) have visited our kids here at home to help them prepare for Aniyar's return; they'll continue to do regular home visits which will give all the kids a chance to talk about their feelings. Then there are the therapy appointments and summer camps which will provide structure, support, and just plain fun for our other kids...and my new full-time job is born. I'm a mental health case manager/social director/bus driver...in addition to my other Mom duties. The other day, one of the kids asked me if I didn't just love summer because I didn't have as much work to do....HAH!!!!
Thanks again to all of you who are keeping us in your thoughts and prayers...we're grateful!
You guys are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Your dedication to your family is humbling!
So glad to hear the good news! We've been thinking about you guys a lot lately.
Hope the rest of the summer goes well for everyone! =)
We are so happy for you all and praying for everything to go well. You are so dedicated to your family and have an unbelieveable amount of strength. All of you are in our thoughts and if you need anything please let us know. And the summer is a lot less work for the kids but so much more for us. Try to relax a little!
Dee, I am thrilled to read this news. So glad Aniyar is home, but even more glad that the therapy/medication seems to be working to make him into a happier, more content, more in-control little guy. Keep us posted on his progrss.....
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