Don't worry, he's traded in his interview duds for jeans and work boots... |
My oldest son is a working man now! He participated in a program sponsored by the local Career Center that helps teens get summer work. Madiyar started his first summer job this week; he was hired to work as a groundskeeper at a city cemetery. He works from 7am-12noon every day cutting grass, weed whacking, and generally getting sweaty but he seems to like it...especially the part about earning money. He's saving his money and dreaming of a motorcycle. Love to see him so motivated and proud of himself! Also love that he bought me lunch today after I picked him up from work...how sweet is that?
Well, almost as sweet as this. He made me an iced latte this afternoon...learning how to brew espresso from his dad and spoiling his mom with his new skills...wow. Maybe his next job should be as a coffee barista? Gotta love the kid, he's a quick learner and he knows the way to his mom's heart.
My oldest daughter jetted off to Europe this week. She's on a People to People Student Ambassador trip to Spain, France, and Italy. Some of you might recall this is the trip she's been working toward since last fall. She wrapped gifts at Christmas, did babysitting and odd jobs, sold Valentine's candy on the street in freezing February temperatures, made cell phone charms and sold them, and collected and redeemed empty soda cans to help pay for this trip. Between her determination and a lot of generosity from friends and family (You know who you are and we love you!), Kate met her goal.
It's her first big trip away from home without Mom and Dad and as the day approached, Kate was
nervous but determined to spread her wings and fly! So proud of her for conquering her nerves to make her dream come true. She arrived in
Madrid safe and sound and has already called to tell us of her early adventures. Yesterday she went to the Prado Museum, today she went to a bullfighting
school, tomorrow it's off to Aljafería Palace in Zaragoza where she'll see
this inside:
Can't wait to see what else summer brings...more adventures for all my kids who make me so very proud!