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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Giving thanks...

In the past week, I've had many opportunities to count my blessings. Here are just a few of the things I'm thankful for:
  • Four years ago, I spent Thanksgiving weekend in a state of panic, redoing our adoption dossier and wondering if we would be allowed to adopt our last 2 boys...so thankful that turned out well and I never have to go through it again!
  •  This time last year, we began to struggle with mental health challenges with one of our boys. The experience rocked us all and made us wonder if we'd ever see a "normal" family anything again. So thankful our boy is stabilized and we're all in a much better place now.
  • This year, we had no earth-shaking crises, trials or tribulations...yay, us!
  • We spent Thanksgiving Day cooking, watching the Macy's parade, and enjoying all 5 of our kids.
  • It was a "normal" family holiday, maybe even a little boring by evening.
  • Given our past years of drama and angst, I really love normal and boring these days.
  • I had flashbacks all day of other Thanksgivings, some good, some bad, some ugly.
  • Did I mention I'm grateful for normal and boring? Because I am...I really, really am.

Aniyar entertained us by showing us how to make a hand turkey!

Madiyar uncapped some sparkling apple cider for our celebration.
Thanksgiving dinner 2012...and all of us were at the table!

1 comment:

Marissa said...

oh my goodness, the cute little boys look like handsome young men! good job, mama bear!!!