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Monday, December 24, 2012

As usual, it's crazy busy around here...and it's Christmas Eve. Today I was fairly insane with all that wasn't finished for the big day: last minute shopping still to do, cooking prep incomplete, wrapping not even close to done. It was in the midst of the frenzy that my younger daughter came to me and asked if I would watch her favorite Christmas movie with her. I started to list all the reasons why I couldn't possibly...then I stopped and thought. She's 15...half the time, she'd prefer to text with her friends than hang with me. Hmmm...I put aside the To-do list for a little while and went to watch a bit of "The Polar Express" with my girl. So glad I did. The smile and hugs I got were better than any gift under the tree.

Note to self...remember to breathe and cherish the moments left of childhood. Let my kids know they are more important than any To-do list.


Tanya's thoughts said...

Awww mommy!!! I love you and you should know that I would never rather text my friends then hang out with you.. You're like my best friend.. I love you!!!

Monkey!! <3~

alphamama said...

I love you too, Monkey! It was fun hanging out with you, thanks for asking me.