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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

He's not a boy any more...

I fell in love with this boy when he wasn't quite 8 years old. He stole my heart and brought me half way around the world to finally bring him home to us at age 13. One of the little gifts we brought him then were temporary tattoos that he and his friends put across his back...so cool! No big surprise then that when he celebrated his 18th birthday recently, he wanted the real thing.

Temporary at age 13...who knew where this was headed?
The 18th bday tattoo...real deal.
The birthday man and his mom.

My son, know that you are still one of my very favorite people on the planet...and I'm so very proud to be your mom!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Summer's end and new beginnings

July and August flew by in a blink and here we are already into September. Just like in summers past, I'm left wondering where the days went and how it all got by us so quickly. This year the feeling is even more pronounced due to the marking of a couple of significant milestones.

First of all, our oldest turned 18 at the end of August. The babe I held in my arms is now legally an adult. She's a bit nervous about all the new responsibilities being legal bestows upon her but she's also excited. The future is now...our baby is all grown up and off to college...another big milestone.
 Here is how our girl celebrated her newly minted adult status. Gotta love her spirit!

Ride 'em, KT!!