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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

It's a wrap

Today my oldest son finished the very last assignment for his senior year. He completed his final English project, a power point presentation that he's been working on for a while. The end result? A 3.8 out of a possible 4.0. Not too shabby for a guy who didn't speak a word of English 5 years ago, I must say.

Well, it appears we've reached the finish line. After much blood, sweat, and tears we're here, a few days from graduation with all the work done and all the grades recorded. (Not a small feat,by the way...but we got it done.) I asked my son if he was proud of himself today...he said he was relieved. I punched him in the arm, admonished him to enjoy the moment and said I told you so. Last year around this time, he fretted that he would never be able to graduate.  Umm... I love you but you were wrong, son. Score one for the Mama.

Graduation is Friday............and the future's bright.

1 comment:

Hevel said...

Congratulations! Mom's tend to be right in this matter, thank's HaShem. :) He and you should both be very proud!

I had five of those kids thinking they'd never graduate-four of them are finishing up their Army service, one is at Uni, and one is just graduating high school while taking courses at the Open University before his compulsory army service.