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Monday, April 9, 2012

Riding the roller coaster...

Some days are just hard. Some are worse. We've had plenty of both around here the past few weeks but we're still surviving, mostly with the love and support of family and friends. To all of you who are in the village that raises our kids, we are so very grateful for your help...

The latest:

Our son has been home for a little over a week and it feels like we're all negotiating a tenuous peace. He's back in school with lots of support, doing OK at home with lots of structure. The other kids are still wary and braced for the worst. My oldest son hit a rough patch last week, was angry and frustrated, missed school and did some extended therapy with me to try to work through some of his feelings...he's still angry and this whole mess has stirred up his trauma. That's the tricky part with multiple kids with PTSD...they trigger each other and then we're off to the races with nightmares, acting out, anger, and sadness. We've got some family therapy starting next week, just holding on and hoping for the best. In spite of all of the lows, we also have many high points and I'm still so proud of our kids...more later.

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