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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Day of the Republic and Day 12 for us

We got to the boarding school just in time to see the holiday show the children had prepared for Kazakhstan's Independence Day. It was an elaborate production, complete with costumed dancers and singers. There were poems and speeches about the beauty of Kazakhstan and the diversity of its people...and the music teacher played the accordion! Aniyar was in the show; he performed both native Kazakh and Russian folk dances and he was great; he's quite a ham. He kept grinning and waving to us from backstage; he was very excited to have us there and so proud of himself. (Madiyar wasn't in the show, he says it isn't his thing...not surprising at his age.)

We felt like honored guests...we were introduced at the show and were offered the first taste of the Ukrainian food being served after the show. It was galushki, a lot like pirogies with lots of butter. My kids at home would have loved them! (Don't worry, I'm getting the recipe translated into English.)

We also had time to visit a little and play some games. Madiyar loves the computer and has gotten pretty good at Tux Racer; Aniyar played Super Mario on the GameBoy for a few minutes before we had to leave. Mom and Dad had to sign more papers for court and then it was time to hit the road...day 12 is a wrap.

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