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Monday, May 7, 2012

I wish...

I wish I could tell you that things were better. They're not. Our son is now refusing to go to group therapy in the hospital, also to work on school assignments for the paltry 1-2 hrs a day that he is asked to focus on education each day. He continues to spiral out of touch with reality as well. I wish I could tell you that our insurance company was helping us but I can't. Our insurance has denied the last few days of inpatient care for our son, leaving us with a few thousand dollars worth of care to pay out of pocket...again. I wish I could say that we feel hopeful re: our son's immediate future and the care he will receive in a CBAT near our home so we can support him during this difficult time. Unfortunately, our insurance has currently only approved a CBAT in Vermont...4 hrs away from us. Not so helpful, certainly not hopeful since the bottom line is that eventually we will have to bring our boy home again with no improvement in his condition. What happens the next time a knife gets raised in anger?? Sigh... I wish I could promise my other 4 kids that they would be safe and that their brother would be in a place where he would be safe and helped at the same time. Sadly, it seems that I can't make that promise....


Anne Birdsong said...

And UGH!
Getting help in a situation like this SHOULD be easy.

Katheen said...

Dee, Prayers and hugs for you and your family.