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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What's new

  • We had a blizzard that dumped a couple of feet of snow on us and left us with mountains of snow to clear...which isn't really that much fun for a Florida girl who never even met a snow shovel until her 30's.
  • We had a blizzard that dumped a couple of feet of snow on us and closed the schools for 2 days. That means 4 days of unstructured time with kids who REALLY need structure. Can you say cabin fever on steroids?
  • My boy has had a reduction in his meds. It was worth a try..but it isn't working out so well. After just 10 days, we are seeing increased aggression and problems with focus, impulse control, and anger management both at school and at home. Called the med prescriber today to increase meds once more...better safe than sorry.
  • My sweet oldest son is struggling with anxiety and depression. He told me last night that he's ready to try meds. Huge step...so proud of his ability to recognize and accept that he needs a little help here.
  • My darling monkey is doing well in her classes...but recently she decided that she doesn't need an IEP, modifications, or support in spite of her FASD. Umm...she has come so far but SpEd support is a big part of that progress. Working on helping her to see that she is awesome no matter what...and a little help from an IEP doesn't change that.
  • Today was Fat Tuesday. That means a huge event at the kids' school for a service trip they do to New Orleans each year, building houses for Habitat for Humanity. For me personally, that meant I was up at 6:15am to put together a recipe for Jambalaya for the school fundraiser. I love my big crockpots...both of them...but I like them better after dawn. My Senior daughter volunteered me for Jambalaya duty...can I just say that college is starting to look good?  At least she shared my pain, she cut up 5 lbs of chicken breasts and a mess of Andouille sausage last night, wondered at how much work it was. Umm...yes.
  • Got a call from my youngest son's school today. After the snow days, he was too sleepy to stay on task and do his work. The message was sent that he would have to stay after school if he was too sleepy to do his work during the regular day...of course, that would mean less screen time at home. He got his work done and made it home on time.
  • I'm so tired...no, wait. That's definitely not new.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dee...Please tell Tanya that "we all need help now and again...and, the fact that she is fortunate enough to have
that extra support an IEP gives is such a gift! These days,
we are seeing many children that need that type of support,
but, due to changes in Special Ed they are unable have that
"gift". Also, tell her how proud I am of the little girl that spoke
very little English not so long ago...and now is reaching for
the many stars that are within her reach and beyond!
