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Monday, March 4, 2013

Hope springs eternal

It happens to me every year. February ends and March sashays in; we get a few warm days and some sunshine and I start to get my hopes up. I start dreaming of replanting the vegetable garden and reclaiming my herb garden even though both beds are currently under the 2 ft of snow that's still hanging around from last month's blizzard. Just yesterday, I was shoveling out a parking space for my van from the snow bank that's still in front of our house. There's no reason to really think we're done with snow for this winter. In fact, the weather folks are predicting 1-3 inches this Thursday so we're really not out of the woods...but I just can't help myself. My heart yearns for Spring and I'm watching closely for the signs...which is why I was so thrilled to see these lovely green shoots poking up from the hard, cold ground. IT'S A SIGN!!! The stinking' groundhog was right for once and winter really is almost over!!

The more realistic me who has lived in New England for (sigh) almost 20 years now knows better. I love the husband who brought me here I love the husband who brought me here I love the husband who brought me here. I remind myself that I'll probably just get my heart broken again; we'll get another doozy of  a snowstorm, the weather will be awful for weeks, and we'll end up having our Memorial Day cookout inside...AGAIN. Hey, this is New England after all so it's to be expected...but for now, just let me dream of crocuses and daffodils and tulips.

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