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Saturday, February 20, 2010

We have an offer...again

While we were in New Hampshire, some folks looked at our house for the second time and decided they love it. They've made us an offer and we've counter offered. Now we're waiting for the attorneys to weigh in. We'll know on Monday if we have an agreement. We're hoping this works out but we're not taking any chances. We had a showing today and another one is scheduled for tomorrow.

We've gotten more efficient at cleaning and tidying for a showing. Kate and Dad led the work crew today while I took Max and Aniyar to a doctor's appointment. By the time I got home, Craig was telling everyone to stay off his freshly mopped floors, Tanya was finishing the bathrooms, and Kate had just finished vacuuming all the bedrooms and family room. As for the boys...well, they did tidy their room and help when directed...but cleaning still isn't their strong suit. No, boys, that doesn't mean you'll be excused from clean up duty. Tomorrow is your turn!

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