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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Independence Day

No pics of our own to share, just this Google image...because it wasn't a great night for photos...but the memories were awesome. We grilled steak tips, had watermelon and corn on the cob....then we walked a few blocks from our house to the waterfront. We watched the fireworks our town provides and they were cool, but it was the gift I got as the sky lit up that was the best.

Aniyar started it; he was a bit nervous and on the look out for bugs and other critters who might disrupt the order of our lives. He climbed up into my lap and wrapped us both in the sheet he had brought along as mosquito protection. After a few minutes, I noticed Madiyar edging his chair closer to us; soon he was wrapped up with us and the 3 of us were huddled under our little bug tent. I had one arm around the teen beside me and the other around the one in my lap...how many teen boys consent to cuddle with mom, I wonder? Maybe just the ones who didn't have a mom to cuddle with when they were little...maybe just the ones who have finally found a home...maybe just the ones who can finally trust...maybe just the ones who can finally be kids.  They stayed there through the whole show, all of us cuddled up tight and enjoying the pretty lights...and the healing.


Joann said...

I noticed that. So sweet.

Marissa said...

thank you so much for sharing this, Dee. please tell Madiyar Shailo (my puppy) & I say hi.. and she wants another play date soon! And please tell him his birthday present is hanging in my room where I can see it every day! :)