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Friday, March 18, 2011

Seven years ago...

...on St Patrick's Day, this little girl stepped off a plane in Boston and became a US citizen.

 She started a new life as our adored second child...and a princess in training.
 She had a big sister to teach her the ropes and be her best friend...
 ...but she brought her own unique style to everything she did, from sports (note the ball in one hand and the glove and purse in the other)
 ...to music. (She hated piano lessons but likes the violin.)
 She's a real beauty inside and out...
...and even though she's a teenager now, she's still just as silly as she is sassy!

Happy anniversary, Tanya Banya! St. Patrick's Day will always be special to us because of you. You're truly the pot o' gold at the end of our rainbow.


Anonymous said...

Tanya will always have a place in my Memory Box...I
fondly remember her as a first grader in my classroom
Tanya was always willing to "clean" and rearrange things,
making sure that things were neat and orderly. Her
determination to learn how to read...sitting on my lap
hungry to learn about letters, words, and having her
world opened into an American classroom. Tanya easily
made friends...with teachers and most importantly,
children. She taught us all... how beautiful life is if
we just reach out and accept the differences we all have. Be it our skin color, heritage, religion, language, or where we come from! It is amazing for me to see this lovely young lady...it's been a wrinkle in time
these 7 years! Tanya, thank you for helping me
become a better teacher! Love, Mrs. LaSota

Lisa said...

Mrs. LaSota, If Dee's post didn't make me teary enough, you just sealed the deal!