Anne's Scented Play Doh
Mix 1 1/4 - 1 1/2 cups flour & 1/4 cup salt.
Boil 1 cup water, and add 1 1/2 Tbs veg oil. 1 pkg unsweetened Kool-Aid & 1/2 - 1 tsp food coloring to match.
Add liquid mixture to flour mixture and stir quickly. Knead dough (it's hot!), adding more flour as needed to reduce stickiness.
Sundays are still screenless in our TV, computers, videogames, or movies for the entire 24 hour period. We've had a few not so good days...for example, the Sunday I found our youngest son hiding in a corner with his Nintendo DS, looking for all the world like an addict who needed his fix. Overall though, the kids have not only observed the screens-off rule but have worked at finding other kinds of fun.
We're still cooking, playing games, doing puzzles, and spending more time outside...but last week we added in a craft activity compliments of my friend and fellow blogger over at
(BTW, I highly recommend that you check out Anne's blog, she's an awesome writer and wicked funny.) Hey, Anne, thank you very much for the dough...even if you did make me beg for the recipe.
We used 1 pack of lemon Kool-aid in our batch of dough, then divided it into 3 parts and added food coloring,.
Easy-peasy lemon squeezy (Sorry, I just had to say that...) |
Tanya made a softball... |
...complete with stitching! |
Aniyar made a snake |
The kids played with this stuff for a couple of hours... |
Max was secretive about his creation... |
Alien experimentation? |
Kate made a family of....ummm...something purple...and Japanese...from one of her favorite anime shows |
I love it when my kids suck up... |
Madiyar made this guy...also Japanese...with purple Elvis hair |
Mom made a flower (ever hoping for Spring!) |
The kids decided to pool their talents and make a dough birthday cake. |
It must have been convincingly real; Nel started begging...and later, the dough disappeared. The gnawed-on remains were discovered Mom and Dad's bed. She only looks innocent. |
Glad I could be of some use!
Thanks for the recipe! My son loves this play dough!
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