Sign language interpreter symbol |
For the past few years, I've blogged mostly about my kids....in fact, I started Kate's Wish when we were preparing to adopt our last 2 kids as a way of chronicling our journey as a family. Since 2007, I've been a stay at home Mom so many folks may not even be aware of my professional side. (To be honest, there have been times since I became a mother of 5 when I wondered if I even still had a professional side.) However, in the past year or so, as we've emerged from the adoption transition period and settled down in earnest to raise our teens...and as the tough economy and spiraling fuel and food costs have taken their toll on our checkbook...it's become clear that one income only stretches so far. That means Mom has returned to the workforce (
well...it's not like I wasn't working, was it? I just wasn't being paid, now was I? But don't get me started...)
Anyway...I've been accepting freelance interpreting assignments for a few months now. See, I'm a nationally certified American sign language interpreter, have been for a few decades or so. That means I'm lucky enough to have a skill set that 's a bit unique and in demand so I'm getting offered quite a bit of work from referral agencies. I have the luxury of booking assignments that normally fits within the kids' school schedule...but working outside the home again means I have even more balls to keep in the air in my daily juggling act. How does this impact a typical day? Ahh, multi-tasking! It often looks something like this:
6:45am Leap
cheerfully out of bed to make breakfast for the cherubs (first cherub is already awake, showered, and dressed, thanks to Dad)
7:15am Wake 4 remaining cherubs; feed, medicate, sign forms, pack lunches, prepare for day as needed
7:40am Wave farewell to Cherub #1 as he boards the bus
7:45am Shower & dress in appropriate attire for work, vainly attempting to avoid dog hair and food stains
8:00am Drive remaining cherubs to school in the Mom van
8:10am Scurry off to the interpreting assignment du jour (could be legal, medical, or mental health...or almost anything else...somewhere within a 40 mile radius)
9-9:30ish Arrive at assignment somewhat harried after fighting Boston area gridlock; next 2 hrs are spent in an alternate universe where no one calls me Mom...I am in fact often addressed as Madame Interpreter...fancy that! )
11-11:30ish Leave assignment; begin calculating total earnings...roughly $130 for 2 hrs work.
12:00noon Stop at grocery store; spend $100 on food
12:30pm Stop at gas station; spend $50 for fuel for the Mom van
1:30ish Arrive home
Put away groceries
Begin dinner prep
Start laundry
Clean house
Long for a nap...
vain hope!
Answer a zillion emails, text messages, voicemails
Check calendar, book work, do billing
Confirm dental, medical, and therapy appts for cherubs
Write blog post
(Ha!!!! Another vain hope...)
3:00pm First cherub arrives home from school; Mom's snack wagon and homework help center opens
4:00pm Mom van collects remaining 4 cherubs from school...unless someone an after school activity
4:15pm Mom's snack wagon and homework help center continues to provide service
5:00pm Mom van returns to school to pick up stragglers
5-6ish Trips to library, driving practice, and assorted other errands take place;
Chores are completed by happy cherubs under Mom's watchful eye
6:15ish Dinner is served at an actual dinner table without screens and with family dinner conversation
(Translation: no one gets excused until they share about their day...so help me God!)
6:45pm Mom's snack wagon and homework center begins evening shift as dinner dishes are cleared
8:00pm All screens go dark...cherubs get ready for bed/prepare for next day
8:30pm First cherub goes to bed, others begin shower rotation, beg for extended bedtimes, etc.
9:30pm Only the 16 year olds remain standing; Dad is already asleep...
10-10:30ish Big kids wander off to bed
10:30ish Mom is now alone to fold laundry, make lists, check calendar for next day
Answer a zillion emails, text messages, voicemails
Fill out field trip forms, medical forms, school activity forms, etc.
11:30ish Mom downloads photos to computer, starts to write witty blog entry complete with pics
11:45ish Mom falls asleep at computer keyboard
(Oops...another day with no blog entry!)
Sorry, faithful readers...I'll try to do better...really.